Partner with Us
CPHA undertakes its programming through the traditional funding support of government partners. While this remains a key strength, CPHA recognizes that in order to address its long-term sustainability, it needs to explore other avenues to address its financial needs.
The potential to work with the private sector was identified by CPHA as a unique opportunity to forge productive and innovative partnerships. Through Corporate Partnerships, CPHA will:
- grow its programming capacity;
- increase its visibility and public reach;
- develop new revenue streams to support its mission; and
- offer others the opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of the public's health.
CPHA is seeking companies which share its vision, its values and its commitment to ensuring that public health remains "front and centre" - a priority concern for both public and private sectors alike.
We will be honoured to have your corporation assume a joint leadership position to help CPHA continue its legacy of excellence, strengthen its spirit of innovation and support the efforts of its dedicated membership.
Through your generous support, you will be making an investment in life - to make it possible for CPHA to protect and improve the health of Canadians.
To further explore this unique opportunity, and to customize your Cornerstone Partnership relationship with CPHA, please contact:
Ian Culbert
Executive Director
Canadian Public Health Association
404-1525 Carling Ave
Ottawa ON K1Z 8R9
Telephone: 613-725-3769, ext. 142
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