Advocacy activities
Health and the environment
- Call to Action on Climate Change and Health
CPHA was granted intervenor status in Saskatchewan and Ontario in support of the federal government's authority to enact the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. Help ensure that the voice of public health is heard in this important case.
Health system renewal
- Open Letter to the Premier and Minister of Health of Ontario
- Open Letter to the Quebec Minister of Health regarding the public health system in the province of Quebec
- Open Letter to the New Brunswick Minister of Health regarding the reorganization of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
Healthy living
- Stop Marketing to Kids Open Letter to Senators
- Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada for the inclusion of human papilloma virus (HPV) as one of the devastating epidemics to be addressed by the Global Fund
- Letter to Canada's Minister of Health to develop and implement a federal plan for the prevention of sexually-transmitted and other blood-borne infections
Substance use
- Letter to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance and Standing Committee on Finance concerning Bill C-44 and its provision concerning excise duty rates on alcohol products
Submission to the federal government's Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation
- Signatory on a statement in support of prison-based needle and syringe programs. CPHA was granted intervenor status by the Court of Appeal for Ontario in the case of Simons et al. v. Minister of Public Safety et al.