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Canadian Public Health Association


Two students at the mentoring lunch, 2013 annual conference

Student Director

Public health professionals in training are critical to our work; including students who are currently engaged in undergraduate, graduate, resident and post-doctoral public health-related programs in Canada. The creation of the Student Director position on our Board of Directors in 2006 exemplifies our long-standing commitment to supporting and engaging students, residents and public health trainees in the work of the Association.

The Student Director position is a full Director position with general Board duties, bringing a student perspective to the table. The Student Director spearheads current activities in relation to students and has sufficient freedom to inspire and direct further developments in our work of student engagement and capacity building. The Student Director chairs the Student and Early Career Committee, which acts as a resource and advisory group to the Student Director.

Student and Early Career Committee

This is an advisory group to the Student Director to help provide input on current student activities and future directions. It is composed of public health students and young professionals from all across Canada. This group initiated a student representative on the Conference steering committee, established the student Editorial group, updates the student corner website content, and connects students across Canadian universities and colleges. Any CPHA member can join the Student and Early Career Committee. This committee meets every few months via toll-free teleconference.

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are volunteers that have successfully undergone an application process. There is no limit to the total number of Student Ambassadors, however, there may be only one Student Ambassador based at a given academic institution. Under the direction of CPHA, the CPHA Student Director, and the CPHA Student Ambassador Lead, Student Ambassadors represent CPHA at their academic institution within Canada and foster a local network of students interested in public health. Student Ambassadors may be students and/or trainees at the undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level, including professional disciplines such as nursing or medicine.

Student Blog and CPHA's Student Editorial Group

Any CPHA member can become a contributing author to the Student Blog. You can write about any subject related to public health: research you’re working on, observations about student life, a summary of a conference you attended, etc. Articles are generally <600 words and are accepted on a rolling basis. Read the publication submission instructions.

Students in the Editorial Group edit the student blog.


  • Olivia Magwood
  • Tia Rogers-Jarrell


  • Keely Stenberg

Official Bilingualism Ambassador

  • Maya Meeds