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Canadian Public Health Association

Promotional toolkit for STBBI online course

Provide safer, more inclusive care for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI)

CPHA, in collaboration with the University of Ottawa Office of Continuing Professional Development, has launched a free, accredited online course for family physicians and other clinical care providers. The course focuses on recognizing and reducing the impacts of STBBI stigma and intersecting forms of stigma and discrimination to provide safer, more inclusive services for STBBI. 

Available now at

Promotional Tools

We need your help to get the word out about our online course. We hope that you will help spread the word about this innovative course with your networks, workplaces, associations and professional contacts. This promotional toolkit contains: 

  • Suggested messaging that you are free to use in newsletters, blogs, etc. 
  • Social media graphics and suggested content that you can share on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. 
  • A course fact sheet you can distribute to others who may be interested.  

Download the promotional toolkits   / Télécharger les trousses promotionelles

All the graphics and messaging in this toolkit are free to download, adapt as you see fit, and share. 

Access the graphics below (right click and save), sized for Twitter and other social media platforms.

Content for social media posts

The following content is offered for use in social media posts. You may copy and paste as is or adapt as desired for your use and audience.


Canadian Public Health Association has released a free online continuing professional development (CPD) course: Provide safer, more inclusive care for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. #ReduceStigma #SexualHealth #HarmReduction #STBBI Learn more: 

New continuing professional development (CPD) course for #FamilyDocs, #Nurses #HealthClinics - Learn how to provide safer, more inclusive care for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections -  from the Canadian Public Health Association. Register today: 

Increase your comfort level and improve #PatientCare with a new CPD course from Canadian Public Health Association.  - Provide safer, more inclusive care for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections #STBBI. Free and online now. Register today: 


L’Association canadienne de santé publique lance Offrir des soins plus sécuritaires et inclusifs en infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang, un cours de DPC en ligne gratuit. #RéduireLaStigmatisation #SantéSexuelle #RéductionDesMéfaits #ITSS Renseignements  

Nouveau cours de DPC de l’Association canadienne de santé publique pour les #MédecinsDeFamille, #Infirmières, #CliniquesDeSanté. Apprenez à offrir des soins plus sécuritaires et inclusifs en infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang. Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui    

Soyez plus à l’aise et améliorez le #SoinDesPatients avec le cours de DPC de l’Association canadienne de santé publique : Offrir des soins plus sécuritaires et inclusifs en infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang #ITSS. Gratuit en ligne. Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui

The images below are sized for posting on Twitter (1024 x 512)

The images below are sized for other social media platforms (1024 x 1024)