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Canadian Public Health Association

In the news


My perspective - Small price, big payoff

October 18, 2019

The Canadian Public Health Association estimates that between 1949 and 1954, 11,000 Canadians were paralyzed by the disease. The situation started to turn around in 1955, when the Salk vaccine was introduced. Canada had its last major polio epidemic in 1959, when nearly 2,000 patients were left with some degree of paralysis. In 1962, the Sabin oral vaccine was introduced to Canada and widespread vaccination brought polio under control in the early 1970s.

'Most critical problem we're facing:' Medical groups urge climate change action

October 10, 2019

Buchman's group is one of 22 organizations to have signed an open letter to the parties. Others include the Canadian Nurses Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Canadian Public Health Association and the Resident Doctors of Canada.

Local to global impact in health promotion

October 9, 2019

The Public Health Association of Serbia (PHAS) is a membership-based, nongovernmental not-for-profit association which advises on and facilitates the formulation of sound policies and programmes to promote good health practices. It was established in 2003 by a group of like-minded public health professionals and is supported by the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), with funding under CIDA’s ’Strengthening Essential Public Health Functions in the Balkans’ initiative (2001 – 2005). On the request of PHAS, financial and logistic support were provided by CPHA for translation of the…

The Cost of Influenza Is Nothing to Sneeze At

September 27, 2019

All too often, we hear statements like “I’ve got a touch of the ‘flu’, but I’m still going to work.” But this outlook ends up costing a lot in both financial terms and in human life.

A 2017 study showed that each case of influenza that resulted in hospitalization ended up costing the health care system between $14,000 and $20,000. With an estimated 12,000 influenza hospitalizations each year, the cost to the Canadian economy is between $168 and $240 million.

So let’s focus more energy on prevention.

LETTER: Liberals, Conservatives weak on climate action

September 23, 2019

The World Health Organization, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Nurses Association, and Canadian Public Health Association are calling on Canadian political parties to see climate change as “the greatest health threat of the 21st century,” and to see Climate Action as “the greatest health opportunity of this century.”

Our health should be an election issue

September 22, 2019

The Canadian Public Health Association has identified eight top election issues and has produced an excellent set of resources for citizens and public health professionals, giving easy access to the parties’ platforms and tools to help people engage candidates in their riding (see

Trump calls for ban on flavoured e-cigarettes — what is Canada’s stance on vaping?

September 13, 2019

The Canadian Public Health Association wants Health Canada to intensify its approach, and local and provincial public health officials want the federal government to expedite regulatory changes.

#Elxn43 Health Files: Bring down global warming and improve Canadian health, say public health professionals

September 5, 2019

The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) plans to turn up the heat on election candidates on the issue of global warming, according to the organization.
“I hate referring to climate change as the existential threat of our generation, but it is. If we don’t have a clear plan on that, nothing else really matters anymore,” said Ian Culbert, the organization’s executive director.

Cannabis comestible : des souris moins actives

August 12, 2019

Enfin, une personne qui ingère du cannabis a tendance à avoir des comportements plus à risques qu'un fumeur. "Lorsque vous le mangez (le cannabis NDLR), ça prend au moins une heure. Un cas typique est quelqu’un habitué à fumer qui mange un premier brownie et, ne sentant rien, en mange un autre, puis un autre, et quand subitement l’effet survient, la personne se trouve en état de surdose", expliquait Ian Culbert, le directeur de l’Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP), aux médias en 2017. En juin, le Canada a annoncé que le cannabis comestible serait légalisé à partir de décembre…